Ilford is projected to experience a 29% population increase due to its Housing Zone status; its civic, commercial and retail core; and the arrival of the Elizabeth Line to Ilford station. To accommodate this anticipated growth, the London Borough of Redbridge commissioned a multi-phase public realm scheme for Ilford Town Centre. Metis were appointed to review the existing Phase 2 design and implement it.
- Undertake a thorough review of the existing design taking into consideration the whole life cycle of the project and look for opportunities for improvement and value engineering.
- Produce a robust Stakeholder engagement plan to ensure the design meet stakeholder and community group requirements.
- Develop detailed construction drawings, specification and cost plan including maintenance.
- Conduct Principal Designer Role under CDM 2015 Regulations
- Prepare and lead the construction tender process.
- Take overall responsibility of the day-to-day contractor management on behalf of the client.
- Prepare documentation for hand-over of the scheme to the Local Road Authority for Adoption.
Redbridge and the community benefited from Metis’ work in several ways:
- Enhanced streetscape to align with the Ilford Manifesto “Ilford for All”
- Cost savings through value engineering that enabled Redbridge to reinvest it in other aspects of the scheme such as street art and interactive features.
- Reduction of wastage and carbon footprint by reusing materials and specification of materials.
- Introduction of Sustainable Urban Design reducing the pressure on the existing drainage system and providing habitat for pollinators.
- Delivery to the timescales due to collaborative project management with Redbridge and contractors.